The Revenge of Geography
201 1-2013
The series of cartograms featured in The Revenge of Geography are based on the world imagined and created in Lebanese action films made during the 80s. It includes a model, a relief map and 6 printed maps. Each map is an attempt to chart out, in a scientific manner, the fictional cinematic universe of one of these films. The accompanying wall relief is a ghost white pseudo-topography derived from these cartographies of cinema. Made from a plastic, the piece reminds us that maps always chart fictions, are always synthetic, and have little to do with either the material they are derived from, or in which they appear.
In 1979, Samir Ghosseini’s Hasna’ wa ‘Amaliqa (The Beauty and the Giants) premiered in Beirut, marking the launch of Lebanese action cinema. The genre would reach its peak in the 1980s, as the civil war raged on. During this period perceptions of Beirut’s urban landscape were reconfigured and its geography disrupted. Set in an atemporal space, action films presented narratives and images separating Beirut’s cityscape from its historic and geographic specificity. They produced new topographies within the disputed city.